
  1. Blackboard
  2. Turnitin
  3. PebblePad
  4. Recording Classroom Teaching
  5. Live Sessions (Zoom and Collaborate)
  6. Pre-recorded Lectures (Panopto and ScreenPal)
  7. Other Tools (Padlet, LinkedIn Learning, EchoPoll)
  8. Generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT) for teaching, learning and assessment use.


Threshold Standards for Supporting Learning with Technology

Getting Started

Assessment and Feedback

Blackboard Annotate

Panopto Blackboard Integration

Communication and Collaboration

Blackboard Ally

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Recording Classroom Teaching

Training recording and other materials

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Live Sessions (Zoom and Collaborate)

Available video conferencing tools
Using Breakout Rooms – Zoom/Collaborate
How to prepare for blended seminars?


Important information about Zoom

Microsoft Teams Meetings will become the recommended platform for any synchronous online teaching from September 2024, as the University retires its license with Zoom.

There are key frequently asked questions about the transition from Zoom to Microsoft Teams Meetings.

As part of the transition, a deep integration with Blackboard Ultra will be implemented allowing for Teams Meetings to be scheduled and created easily within Blackboard sites.


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Pre-recorded Lectures (Panopto and Screencast-o-Matic)

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Other Tools

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Generative AI tools for Teaching, Learning and Assessment Use

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