Logging In

Following this link:

PEMS (shu.ac.uk)


Visit The PEMS Login Page and log in using the username and password that you should have received by email. If you have forgotten your login details, you can click the ‘Click here if you have forgotten your login details’ link which will trigger a reminder email to be sent to you. If you have a SHU number, it is also possible to log into PEMs through your SHU logins (if your account has been created using these).


Your Dashboard

When you log into PEMS, all or some of the following options will be available to you on your dashboard page:

Clicking in the ‘Complete Planning Form’ button will take you to your placement planning form page which contains your personal information as well as several questions which you must respond to which will help the Placement Team when allocating your placements. If there are any errors on this page, notify the Placement Team as soon as possible.

In the ‘View My Placement’ section you will find details about your allocated placement such as the location, who your academic or placement contacts are and the dates of your placement. If this placement is on PARE, there should be a link to the PARE site within the PEMS profile.

If you have recently completed a placement, you will receive a reminder to complete an evaluation of your experience at your placement location. The completion of these is extremely important to the university as it ensures that the placements you are sent on are beneficial to your education.

In this section you will be able to view any messages sent to you through PEMS. You should receive an email when you have been allocated a placement, or if any changes have been made to a placement you are due to attend. You can also view previously read messages by clicking on the ‘Show read messages’ tick box. You will receive an email prompt when you have any new messages to read on PEMS and you may receive further reminders if you don’t log into PEMS to read your message.

You can find a record of all the placements you have been allocated to and completed under the ‘View Previous Placements’ button, including any simulated placements that you may have attended on campus. If you are missing any placement details or think that there is an error on your record, please contact the AHP & N&M teams via email.

If you have any Academic Assessors allocated to you, you can find their contact details in the ‘My Academic Assessors’ section.

You can also access any of these sections using the menu at the top of the screen. The home button will take you back to your dashboard.

Your Details

In the top right corner of the screen, you can access your user details by clicking on your name and selecting ‘Your Details’. On this screen you can make amendments to your contact details. Within ‘User Profile’ you can change your password.


If you have any issues whilst using PEMS, there is a Help section in the corner right corner of the screen, however the Placement Support Team are on hand to help with any issues you may have. They can be contacted via email at – HWLSPlacementsAdmin@shu.ac.uk