Over the duration of your course you must complete a minimum of 2300 hours of practice based learning. Ideally, you will complete your hours in the placement blocks identified in your placement calendar. You should work a minimum of 38.5 hours per week (36 hours of practice based learning, and 2.5 hours of reflection).
However, we know that sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances, this isn’t possible. If you’re unwell, or absent from placement for a short amount of time (less than one week), then we advise you pick up some extra shifts when you’re well again (remember that you cannot work more than 48 hours per week). However if you are absent from your placement for longer than one week then you may need to complete an additional placement to ‘recover’ your hours.
Your hours are recorded on MYePAD and you will complete timesheets for each shift. If you are unsure how to do this please refer to the Simulated Placement site on blackboard where the information sessions are recorded. If you have any questions or need additional support, David Beard holds weekly zoom sessions on Thursdays between 4-5pm.
Students are required to know how many hours they have accrued and opt into an additional placement if required. The Health Professional Placements team will contact students with details of how to do this.
The additional placement dates will be agreed in advance with placement providers and communicated with students at the beginning of the academic year. The additional placement dates for S22 and S23 are below. Swaps and changes (appeals) are not available. Once the additional placement has been arranged and confirmed, all usual attendance policies apply. It will not be possible to ‘cancel’ the additional placement.
Placement plans for September 2022 and September 2023 are here.