Personal and professional development

Throughout your apprenticeship programme you will engage in modules that are all about your own personal and professional development. You will be asked to use theoretical frameworks to evaluate how you are learning and what impact this is having in the context of your job role and the sector you work in.

Peer learning will be an important part of that process, including the sharing of stories and experiences with like-minded apprentices in your learning community. We will facilitate this discourse on current and future practice in your sector. Review the following guidelines to help those discussions.

Guidelines for Experiential Review – discussions and submissions.

Make sure in your next Apprenticeship Progress Review you undertake the required preparation and take the time to think about the relationship of your current University assessments to the work you are doing in your job role. You will advance faster and better by looking at the best way to combine the learning and development from different requirements and opportunities within the Apprenticeship journey. Often your Work-based Learning Coach will direct you to different part of this resource to do that effectively. Sometimes assessments will require you to analyse those links.

One surefire way to enhance your CV and profile is the draw on the impact you have made through work-based projects and other activities. Access further information and advice about potential awards for Apprentices on the Your community and enrichment page.

You may also want to visit the STARE approach to evaluating evidence page, where the STARE methodology is explained and there are some great examples of how this can bring out the best examples of your impact and development.

Don’t forget to come back to this section to finish off looking round – return to the menu for Careers information advice and guidance.