Once you have submitted your Cority health questionnaire and are medically cleared for the course (this may require more involvement with our OH provider) you will be invited to a medical appointment so you can undertake the relevant vaccines required for you to attend placement.

  1.  Completing the requirements early will help your enrolment at the start of the course
    • If you are fully enrolled this won’t delay you obtaining a student card
    • If you are fully enrolled your student finance won’t be effected
  2.  Starting the immunisation early process will ensure you have the required clearance to attend placement (subject to you attending follow up appointments)

For all professional health courses the University follows the Government best practice guidelines in expecting students to undertake a programme of immunisations as required by the Department of Health (DoH) and to meet the immunisation and immunity requirements of placement providers.

Vaccinations are provided by the University through our contracted Occupational Health provider at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. Medicals are booked and take place on site at Oak Lodge on Collegiate Campus. Vaccines are required for you to attend placement, and you will not be able to attend a placement setting without reaching the required level of vaccines for that area. This is to protect yourself and service users.

Please view the following link to see the Immunisation breakdown and timeframes for becoming vaccinated Immunisation infographic


Non-attendance of appointments & withdrawal from the course

Failure to attend appointments without giving at least 48 hours’ notice will mark you as DNA (Did not attend). This not only impacts on the availability of appointments for other students, but will have an impact on your progression on the course due to you not being able to access placement, and being able to meet the required competencies/placement hours required.

Failure to engage with the vaccination process within the required timeframes may lead to action under the Universities Fitness to Practise procedures.