Recommended Set-up:
For the presenter:
Key tool: Blackboard Collaborate or Zoom.
- Webcam: We recommend enabling your webcam.
- Microphone: We recommend using a headset or the laptop’s built-in microphone.
- Breakout rooms: Whether or not you use breakout rooms will depend upon the activity you are doing in the seminar and the size of the group. We recommend using randomised breakout groups (for speed) if you are using them.
Recording: ?
Settings for Students:
Inside Blackboard Collaborate or Zoom:
- Webcam: Leave enabled for student use. Depending on the number of participants, you may wish to encourage webcam use.
- Microphone: Leave enabled for student use. Depending on the number of participants, you may wish to encourage webcam use.
- Chat: Encourage use where not relying on microphones and hand-raising.
Example instructions for students :
This seminar will be offered only online using Zoom/Blackboard Collaborate (*delete as appropriate). You can access the seminar at this link: (* provide link). Please look at the instructions about using Zoom/Blackboard Collaborate and try out the test link ahead of time to ensure your system is set up correctly.
The seminar will consist of a whole class discussion, based on the recorded lecture provided on Blackboard. As such we expect you to have watched the recorded lecture ahead of the seminar and made notes of a few key points or questions you want to discuss.
As this is a whole class discussion with a large number of participants, please keep your microphone muted and raise your hand if you have a comment or question. When I call on you, please unmute your microphone to speak. If you have a webcam please keep it turned on during the seminar so other students can see you.
*(alternate last paragraph) As this seminar will have a small number of participants, I encourage you to keep your webcam and microphone on throughout the session. We will not be using the hand-raising feature or chat, except as a way of signposting links to everyone. Please try to avoid speaking over other participants however, being mindful of the occasional lag which may happen.