- What is a Group Project?
- Supporting Technologies
- Making it work
- Case Studies / Examples
- Other Useful Links
What is a Group Project?
The lecturer assigns students to groups and shares a pre-recorded introduction to the activity, which allows the students to access the information about the task as required. The students spend time on a mix of personal preparation and group work, while the lecturer devotes occasional time in live sessions for students to work on the project and ask and answer questions. Later, the students submit their project online
Unlike a group presentation, a group project is more likely to take place over an extended period of time and so require online interaction between students, as well as online opportunities for lecturers to check groups’ progress and answer questions. Therefore, using the Groups feature in Blackboard is a straightforward way to ensure that each group has a private space to work in, including a private Collaborate room for live interaction.
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Supporting Technologies
- Panopto (Installing currently)
- Blackboard Collaborate – general guidance, guidance for students, breakouts
- Zoom – general guidance, guidance for students, breakouts
- Blackboard Groups
- Google Drive
- Office365
Making it work
- Read the general teaching activity considerations for advice relevant to all approaches
- Provide opportunities for students to receive live support on the activity
- Use Blackboard Groups to provide a basic set of tools for students work with, including a private Collaborate room
- Set up a Q&A discussion board to avoid needing to answer the same question multiple times
Case studies/examples
- Using Google Apps for Education
- Facilitating online group presentations in Higher Degree Apprenticeships
- Group posters
- Individual posters
Other useful links
This model is part of Collaboration
Students working together to explore or create something.