Assessment submission points in 22/23 Blackboard module sites
Thank you for checking and entering your assessment submission dates for 22/23 in SITS Online in line with the guidance: Assessment Submission Dates for 2022-2023 Data Collection.
The University Policy for Assessment states that coursework submission dates will be published to students at the start of each academic year. It is therefore important that all first sit assessment and reassessment data is accurate in both SITS and Blackboard.
Automatic set up of assessment submission points
Assessment items (Assignments and Grade Centre columns) have now been automatically created in 22/23 Blackboard module sites for summative coursework tasks and subtasks (including reassessment).
DO NOT make any changes to your assessment task title, submission due date or time in Blackboard. This is important because any changes may result in the Capping Report not working properly as it relies on the sets of data being identical in both SITS and Blackboard.
You can add any additional content, feedback rubrics, or change to a group assignment type.
You will need to create weighted columns for any tasks with subtasks.
What if my assessment submission dates are incorrect?
There may be exceptional reasons why the first sit and/or reassessment submission date held in SITS for a module is not correct and needs amending. If a change of assessment submission date is requested due to a previous error in entering dates, the module leader should consult with their Departmental T&L Portfolio Leads as necessary.
Requesting a change
- To request a change, Module Leaders should please complete the in-year change request form: 2022-23 Assessment Data Collection: In Year Change Request.
- Requests will be reviewed by Heads of Teaching and Learning and if approved the date will be amended in SITS (by Academic Administration).
- Module leaders will be notified and then be required to amend the due date in the Blackboard assessment submission point.
- Module leaders will then need to check the Task Comparison Report the following day to ensure that SITS and Blackboard match. Any mismatches may result in the Capping Report not working properly as it relies on the sets of data being identical in both SITS and Blackboard. Please note: you will need to be on campus (or use Remote Desktop or VPN) to access the Task Comparison report.
Amending dates for assessment submissions that take place in taught sessions to align with the timetable
Where variable due dates have been approved in SITS you will be contacted separately to discuss your requirements for this year.