The right apprenticeship – revisiting the Skills Scan

At the beginning of your apprenticeship you carried out a Skills Scan to make judgements on your starting position in respect of the knowledge, skills and behaviours listed in your Apprenticeship Standard.

In each of your Apprenticeship Progress Reviews you will have the opportunity to reflect on your progress using milestones of achievement and discuss that progress with your Mentor in the workplace and the University Work-based Learning (WBL) Coach.

Periodically we will ask you to revisit those judgements as a whole and update your own views on what you have achieved and your progress towards competence and being ready for the End Point Assessment of your Apprenticeship Standard.

Make sure you provide authentic and realistic views at every opportunity so that you can agree SMART targets for ongoing development. The recognition that comes with passing the End Point Assessment will be part of your career trajectory.

We will be in touch to initiate a Skills Scan Review in due course. Speak to your WBL Coach for more information and use the activities in your Professional Development modules to keep on top of the evidence in your E-portfolio. This is the focus of your professional development against your career objectives.

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