
The University must have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism (the Prevent duty). That includes all our staff and students understanding the context around them and how to register any concerns.
Also, universities have a general legal duty to secure freedom of speech on campus, within the law. Chris Husbands the University’s Vice Chancellor talks about the University’s Prevent Duty, Freedom of Speech and Welfare.

For information, view the University’s Prevent Statement.

3 facts on Prevent

  1. ‘…the last Citizenship Survey in 2010, indicates that very small percentages among all faith groups support violence as a way of dealing with injustice or in the name of religion’.
  2. ‘More than 30% of people convicted for Al Qa’ida associated terrorist offences in the UK between 1999 and 2009 are known to have attended university or a higher education institution’.
  3. ‘The most common [overall] were cases referred because of concerns about right-wing radicalisation (254; 45%…)’

Quotes (based on 2019 data)


Access data on regional differences

⇰ Are you aware of how extremist behaviour might manifest in two different locations, for example, Sheffield as your place of study as compared to your home town, location of work or some other alternative location?

⇰ Does the data triangulate to any press coverage or other sources of information that inform you of the particular local and regional issues? For example, what is ‘cuckooing’ and what does ‘county-lines’ refer to?

Access Prevent Training and be an Active Bystander.

Access on-line videos about Prevent, designed for adult learners in Higher Education